28 Days to Dump Limiting Beliefs
A wellness coach offers her vulnerable history of emotional sensitivity and a mood disorder, as testament to push past beliefs of doubt and lack towards a spiritual perception of one's good.
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About the Author
Akita Brooks is a Certified Stress Management Coach, Author, Teacher, and Wellness Advocate. Her book, Full Glass Living: 28 Days to Dump Limiting Beliefs was on Amazon's #1 New Release list under Popular Psychology/Mental Illness.
She’s also an Emotional Freedom Technique/Thought Field Therapy Master Practitioner, and holds additional certifications in the studies of Professional Aromatherapy and Therapeutic Art Life Coaching.
She earned a Master of Science degree in Leadership, specialized in Leadership Development, and blends the study of human influence and development to further teachings in self-leadership, emotional empowerment, and spiritual expression.
Akita is a member of the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and Board Certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Coach.
Coaching Videos
Almost like a one-on-one coaching session! Companion videos and audio lessons to dive deeper into the concepts shared in the book.
Use assessments, worksheets, and journaling to explore deeper into your own personal story and past limiting beliefs.
Daily Action
Practice by taking action! Use the daily denials, affirmations and tasks for the day to practice dumping beliefs that do not support you.